Fat to Fit by bicycle

Getting my bike to work

This is the first week of riding my new bike to work and rather than riding to the train station and leaving it there, I'd rather drive most of the way and cycle the rest. Why don't I take my bike on the train with me I hear you say? Well, Southern Trains have a policy of no bikes, except folding bikes, on trains bound to or from London between the hours of 7-10am and 4-7pm. That rules out me taking it on the train. I could try and take it with me as some staff may have no objections. But I don't want to be in the position where a jobs-worth won't let me on the train one day and I have to miss my train while I go and lock it up.

Until my pride and joy is old enough that I'd be prepared to leave it at the station, I'm putting the bike in the back of the car. I did think about getting a bike rack but my car has such a cavernous boot with the seats down that I can easily get the bike in and out of the car within 20 seconds.


  1. I assume u eventualy intend 2 cycle all the way 2 work once ure fitness levels r up

    My commute 2 work is only 1.9 miles wiv one biggish hill on the way there

    My plan is 2 b able get my fitness levels up so that I can eventualy do a charity bike ride in aid of alzheimer's society, well thats the plan

  2. My first goal is to do at least 6 miles a day. 3 miles there and 3 miles back. That way the bike pays for itself in reduced petrol costs. I do intend to get fit enough to ride the 9.1 miles each way but probably not ride that every day. My final goal is to take part in the 2011 London to Brighton bike ride which is 54 miles.

  3. That sounds good to me m8 wud love 2 do London to Brighton wen I am fitter

  4. I'v got 15 months until then so I hope I'll be fit enough.


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